Sunday, September 25, 2011

AIMS Newsletter - Interviews & More

We have been busy putting together a social media network for AIMS and part of this will be a way to promote Montessori in digital print. This blog of course will be a part of that but in an effort to reach more people we will be working on our monthly newsletter.

We have started a dialog with Trevor Eissler and secured an Email interview that will be featured in our December newsletter along with news and other interviews as well as progress on our Conference: One World. One Montessori. planned for March 2012. We will also be featuring and profiling our member schools in our newsletter and have updated the foursquare to reflect the potential number of schools that could join AIMS at so please send us a picture and tips that we can add to the site so others can find your schools. Also check the address and location.

We have added a lot of information videos to the AIMS website and I hope more people get to see it so please start spreading the word. Association of Indonesian Montessori Schools is up and ready to go all we need now is for our committee members to add more information and details. It goes without saying that the only way we can build a successful network is to bring as many people together as possible. Start spreading the news!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

First Meeting - AIMS

Nothing can surprise a group of people more than coming together for the first time and have a lot in common. That they also aspire to the same things and are filled with camaraderie, to the point, they are all working together to find common ground to move forward professionally. 

On September 22 we moved one step closer to having an organization that has for its first goal to identify and put everyone down in a directory list of all those schools currently using Montessori in one form or another in their schools. We have agreed to meet on November 10 back at Kiddie Planet to discuss potential for a Pan Oceania / Asia Montessori Conference to be held in Jakarta with a special key note speaker in March 2012 where will launch our non-profit organization the Association of Indonesian Montessori Schools. 

As a note we have the following media / social networking sites currently up and content will be added as new material and information is made available.

We look forward to our next meeting. Keep spreading the word we will be hosting a number of other events after November. You can find more information on our facebook group page or one of the places listed above.